help with my geckos


New Member
Clearwater, FL
I have 2 leopard geckos that are roughly 4 months old ( where I got them from didnt know how old they were). I am feeding every day (one eats crickets, mealworms and pheonix worms) and the other will only eat the pheonix worms and mealworms. I dust every other feeding (except for the pheonix worms) They are eating between 7-8 each. They just seem a little underweight to me. They are in a 20 gal long and heating with a basking lamp and UV light (their warm side is around 86 and cool side is around 82) during the day. What can I do? Here are a couple pics...
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New Member
One on the left looks MAJORLY underweight - keep on with steadily feeding!

Gecko's need belly heat so get a UTH for the warm side.

Bring the warm side temp above where you place the UTH up to between 88-92 - as 86 is a bit too cool

Also - Gecko's dont care for bright lights - if your going to use a heating lamp of some sort - replace the bulb with a red one
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New Member
St. Augustine, FL
Using just a light doesn't give the heat source they really need. Get an under tank heat mat for a 30-40 gal tank and a digital probe thermometer. You will be surprised how much better they do with adequate heat on their tummy, both eating and gaining weight.

They could have parasites, which can cause them to not gain weight even though they are eating. You will need a fecal test from the vet to determine this. As skinny as the first one is, I suspect there is a parasite issue.


New Member
Toronto ,Canada
Using just a light doesn't give the heat source they really need. Get an under tank heat mat for a 30-40 gal tank and a digital probe thermometer. You will be surprised how much better they do with adequate heat on their tummy, both eating and gaining weight.

They could have parasites, which can cause them to not gain weight even though they are eating. You will need a fecal test from the vet to determine this. As skinny as the first one is, I suspect there is a parasite issue.

I agree with laney if they are eating that many prey items and they are that skinny I would agree with parasites also.


New Member
Clearwater, FL
Thanks everyone! I will be getting a UTH but I have to wait a week. I have been hearing on here you can use a human heating pad. Would that help? If so do I put it in the tank or under the tank? They have a regular scheduled trip to the vet this week.


New Member
Clearwater, FL
I just checked the temps again with my probe thermometer and the temp in the hot end is 90-91 so the heat is up where it needs to be although I will be changing to a UTH when I get paid. I tried the human heat pad and it got way too hot. I just upped their feeding 2 days ago. I was following the book I had on them and feeding them 4-5 insects/worms a day. Could that be why they are so thin? My vet said that if they had parasites that they would be bloated, lose their appetite and vomit or/and have diarreha which neither one have. Is he wrong? Also I am feeding them small pheonix/meal worms and small crickets. Should I upp the size of insects?
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