Help With My New Crested Morph


Ok thanks for the link. So would it be a harlequin, partial pinstripe, and fringe morph ?


New Member
Scratch what I said earlier, haha! Sorry, when I looked at this earlier it was at work and the pinstriping didn't show up at all. All I noticed was that it had lateral and some feet patterning, enough that it would be barely considered a harlequin. Since it does have a good amount of broken pinstriping it would be considered a partial pin with fringing. Fringing is a trait and not so much a morph. It's the same with portholes, a trait just not a morph.

Again, congrats on the new addiction. I say that because you will have more in no time, it's inevitable don't fight it.


Melissa the Scientist
Toledo oh
IMO this isnt a harley, there is minimal leg and side pattern. The thing to remember it isnt just about side pattern, the legs have to have a good deal of patterning as well. To better see the difference here are a few links!!

You can see the flames have little to no leg pattern. Fringe is not a morph and doesnt get tagged along in the name, along with other traits like knee caps or portholes. The only 2 traits that really get described in the "morphing" of these guys is pinstriping in its various forms, and dal spotting.

So yours would simply be called a flame partial pinner, it is a high % pin, but that does not get put into the name, just simply partial pinstripe.


You can see the flames have little to no leg pattern. Fringe is not a morph and doesnt get tagged along in the name, along with other traits like knee caps or portholes. The only 2 traits that really get described in the "morphing" of these guys is pinstriping in its various forms, and dal spotting.

So yours would simply be called a flame partial pinner, it is a high % pin, but that does not get put into the name, just simply partial pinstripe.

So wouldn't it be flame, partial pinstripe, dalmation (since mine has spots) ?


New Member
As you can see there is a lot of interpretation when describing crested morphs. It's not cut and dry like ball pythons. There are basics guidelines, but nothing set in stone. Darkridder said she wouldn't consider it a harley because it has little leg patterning (which I can agree with), but IMO a flame shouldn't have any leg patterning. That's where you get these in between answers like you are getting.

Yours does have a dal spots, but not enough IMO to be considered a dalmatian. Others may disagree. There are numerous breeders out there that now refuse to name the morph their babies are because of disagreements. They just describe them by the traits they really like such as, "solid creamy dorsals, or extreme amounts of lateral patterning." It's what makes crested geckos so much fun. You can pick and choose the traits you really desire and want to reproduce, lots of neat subtle things that make big differences when bred with the right partner.


Melissa the Scientist
Toledo oh
A flame refers to the dorsal so in essence a harley is a flame, but the degree in which the difference lines between the leg and side pattern, which that is left up to interpretation. But in many books and online "morph guides" you will see flames have little to no leg patterning, and it can be a fine line between a low end harley (one with min leg and side patterning) and a higher end flame (with some leg and side patterning).

Dalmatian spots can be subjective also. IMO a dalmatian has 25+ spots, and a super d can vary per animal, like some are covered in small spots vs others have a good deal of ink spots. Normally people think 100+ for the small, and 75+ for large ink spots.

Like stated these guys are not easy to morph, there are various things that can make one differ from another. You also cant pick animal A and animal B and expect to know an outcome like you do with other species, you can get mixed results. It is when you know your animals well, and know their lines well that you can start to predict what may be produced however with these guys there is no 100%, 2 reds from red lines still occasionally throw a curve ball into the mix.


New Member
So wouldn't it be flame, partial pinstripe, dalmation (since mine has spots) ?

A flame refers to the dorsal so in essence a harley is a flame, but the degree in which the difference lines between the leg and side pattern, which that is left up to interpretation. But in many books and online "morph guides" you will see flames have little to no leg patterning, and it can be a fine line between a low end harley (one with min leg and side patterning) and a higher end flame (with some leg and side patterning).

Dalmatian spots can be subjective also. IMO a dalmatian has 25+ spots, and a super d can vary per animal, like some are covered in small spots vs others have a good deal of ink spots. Normally people think 100+ for the small, and 75+ for large ink spots.

Like stated these guys are not easy to morph, there are various things that can make one differ from another. You also cant pick animal A and animal B and expect to know an outcome like you do with other species, you can get mixed results. It is when you know your animals well, and know their lines well that you can start to predict what may be produced however with these guys there is no 100%, 2 reds from red lines still occasionally throw a curve ball into the mix.

Well said!

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