Help with New Setup Supply list :)


New Member
United States
Hello All I am new to keeping reptiles and after a couple of months of reading and researching I am set on getting a Leopard Gecko (or 2) .. I have started to purchase my leo's supplies for set up and wanted to see if anyone has any ideas on other thing I may need. so far these are the things I have gotten thanks to Ebay, Joshs Frogs and Drs foster & smith.

Please feel free to post pics of your leo's set up so I can get some design Idea's as well.

Thank you all in advance

P.S I plan on obtaining my Leo in April from the New York Metro Reptile Expo Welcome to

Supply List:

Exo Terra Light Bracket Light Dome Support Fixture
Zoo Med Deep Dome Lamp Fixture
Exo Terra Water and Feeding Dish
Exo Terra Glass Terrarium (24x18x12)
Exo Terra Desert Heatwave (Small)
Exo Terra Thermometer C&F (Analog)
Exo Terra Hygrometer (Analog)
Exo Terra Reptile Cave (Medium)
Exo Terra Worm Dish Mealworm Feeder
Exo Terra Water Dish (Medium)
Exo Terra Mini Mister
Exo Terra Star Cactus
Manzanita Branch
Rep-Cal Ultrafine Calcium with Vitamin D3 (PINK)
Rep-Cal Herptivite Multivitamin (BLUE)
Exo Terra Desert Sand Red (10 lbs)
Exo Terra Desert Sand Black
Exo Terra Medium Compact Top
Exo Terra Water Well
Making a decorative Humid hide

j&k lemmy

New Member
Ellsinore missouri
UTH is what you want for heat source & only on about a 1/3 on tank bottom.
Or heat cable, belly heat is better than back heat.
Leos don't like bright light, red or black is generally considered okay
If the leo is a baby you will what paper towels not sand "it's okay for adults" babies eat it
Meal worm feeder should be a dish not the fall though type.

Hope this is helpful


New Member
United States
Thanks for the reply. The Exo Terra Desert Heat wave is an UTH. Thank you for mentioning the light as that was going to be my next post/question as I have purchased the Compact Top I was not quite sure what light bulbs for day and night I should be putting in the fixture itself. I also got the deep dome for supplemental heat as my house is a bit on the cooler side. If someone could clarify the lights I should use in the compact top that would be great. Keep in mind that I will only be using it for day and night light not heat. The dome and UTH is what I will use for heating. Also I am not sure what will be available at the expo so not sure if I will get a baby or an adult. However I do have reptile carpet just in case I do get a baby.

j&k lemmy

New Member
Ellsinore missouri
I've use a UVB bulb before for daylight but my setup had live plants in it.
Haven't used a timer before.
My leos are in a rack.
Thermometer should be digital with probe, more accurate than analog.

Mealworms, crickets, roaches, super worms, wax worms, & silk worm can be feed to geckos
Mine live off mealies as dietary base & other bugs are treats

Supplement mentioned are good
I use vionate for vitamins but lots of animals not a herps & it can be givin to anything
Give to mammals if I feel they new a boost "has cold or something"

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