Help with picking out a camera


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
Ok, so I have decided to sell my camera and want some help picking out a new one.

I work for Olympus and can get a discount on selected cameras. Here are a few that I think may be good, any input is GREATLY appreciated!

First we have the SP-320, here's a link to the page for it

Next we have the SP-510 (Pretty much the same as the one above but has a 15X Digital Zoom, with I don't think I need)

Next is the FE-190

Next is P-35

Or, if can recommend a camera for approx. $200 - ish let me know!



Had I known at the time I was looking to buy a camera that you worked for them I would have bought the SP510 in a heartbeat but I was told by Circuit City that it was hard to get the parts for it ect. Now I like this camera best out of what you showed us here but if I recall its a bigger camera so if you are wanted a small camera this isn't the smallest one you have listed. I prefer a littler bigger camera than the slim line kinds anyhow myself. Another thing I noticed is the top one listed is a combine optical and digital zoom, I think its best to have more optical zoom than digita so I choose a 10X optical zoom. I got a Nikon Coolpix S4 with swiivel design so I can take pics at any angle, its really cool and works great for animal pics We also got another digital too, my husband uses that one. Let us know what you choose! Deb
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Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
Size doesn't matter, so I agree, so far this is the one I am thinking of buying.

In one of the PM's or a reply on a thread of yours I mentioned that I worked for Olympus and could get a discount on cameras. You must have missed it. I can get all of the cameras above for less than $200, one or 2 of them are onlt about $140 :) And, because I work for Olympus, I get free repairs :thumbsup:

o0 Ryan 0o

Staff member
York, PA
I've always had excellent luck with Nikon for outdoor photos, and great indoor photos with my Canon. This may not be true for all Nikons or Canonc since the biggest issue is the fact that every camera is different. Proper photography is not something people can just pick up easily, it's a pain to have total control and it's darn expensive. Most of us want to just point and shoot and it's not always that easy. With lighting options and every setting combo, it becomes a real pain. I've tried every setting on my Canon only to find nothing is to my likings. After that I tried changing my lighting, from this position or to that height. It is really annoying when we're all critical of our photos, since it's our hobby/business. After days of playing I finally found the right height for my spot lights and the right setting for my camera.

I wish these things had a 30-day money back guarantee, so you can try them and see how they'll work for you. I'm no expert on cameras, but I would assume any digital camera is going to have random results and quality. I'm sure you can get the right look after many tweaks, but some cameras really can't get the job done. There have been two cameras I've tried that have given me absolute crap.

I think the only way you can get the "true" results you want would be to get a nice SLR camera, buy some lighting equipment, and take some classes. It's sad, and really expensive. The only other option is trial and error, which can get tedious and annoying. You might have better results with a light 6 inches higher than lower or this setting in combination with this setup.

Since you work at Olympus, would they frown upon returns? Would you be able to try a few cameras if need be? It would seem smartest to use you discount and maybe have the advantage of returning for another.

One last random comment...Once you get everything to your likings you then have to deal with something that doesn't want to sit still haha. I find myself taking 25 photos of every gecko until I'm happy with one. Damn photography!

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