:[ help



we just got our second leopard gecko its a mack snow raptor when we were bringing it home from the show it was lively at first moving a little bit then it stopped moving and its head was turning a orange color and i didnt think anythign was wrong i thought it was just stressed from being in a new place and it started to open its mouth then we knew it was overheated a lot so we cooled its body down by putting him in semicold water and then tried making him drink and he was paralyzed but we didnt want to say he was dead so we kept him cool during the night like the vet said to and when we woke up his tip of his tail is bloody and his foot is all bloody and not moving and his hand is a little bloody its still like a baby i dont know what to do because he is still moving and moving a little more and more but idk what to do to help him


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
When purchasing an animal at shows, care must be taken to keep it out of sunlight. They cook quickly in clear deli cups when exposed to the sun. Death is unfortunately the result. A real example that happened to us: some years ago at the Daytona show, my bf bought his daughter a baby corn snake. She was so happy, admiring it all the way to the car which was in the parking garage across the street. A 5 minute walk from the ocean center doors. Got to the car and the snake wasn't moving anymore. Just 5 minutes of exposure to the sun in that clear deli cup cooked the poor little thing to death. The same thing can happen setting the cup on the seat next to you in the car on the drive home, or carrying it on your lap. When you go to a show, carry a tote bag to put all your stuff in along with your new animals. That's their best protection. I'm sorry to say, your new gecko may not make it. Keep him comfortable, alone, on paper towel, a small mist for hydration. Don't try to feed or handle at all, unless it's to take to the vet. If that's the case, just take the container he's in so as not to disturb him.

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