i was wondering if anyone knew what i should do to get my geckos ready for the breeding season.i would also like to know what a good substrate is for a 6-7 inch juvenile gecko?
Not to be rude, But, I noticed you are posting a lot of questions, Newbe questions. Do you have any geckos at this time? The reason I am concerned is I just read your post about starting a business. If you do not know even the basics of gecko care yet, Starting a business is the last thing you need to think about right now. I'm just now starting my business, not even fully started yet and I have been keeping herps for years. Just last year I started breeding leopard geckos. You need to start slow, Don't jump in head first. Do your research, care for the animals you're interested in for awhile and then make the decision on starting a business. I'm not trying to criticize you, I'm trying to help you and your geckos.
I just re read my post and you might take it the wrong way. There is nothing wrong with asking questions. Ask as many as you need. My only concern is that you may get in over your head. Thats all!
I was also thinking about going out an purchasing a male. I've been doing a little research. I've found that it takes a lot of time and money. You might find this useful, Marcia sent it to me, it's GGG Gains and Losses for 2005.
With that outline from that link to Marcia's older post you also need to remember that does not include any of the caging, heat, racks etc. That was for her 2005 cost vs income not the start up cost.
Racks alone can be costly and if you tihnk of it this way;
2 males
10 females
They may lay 10 clutches per female that would be about 200 babies to house, so 200 shoeboxes til juvie then 200 sweater boxes after that. Plus the blanket boxes or tanks for breeder groups, food, supplements etc. Heat thermostats, incubators, man there is a lot to buy just to get started.
You may or may not sell anything you produce so you need to be prepared for long term to permanent housing, food, supplement, vet expense etc. for all of the ones you do produce.
Brandy, sorry my acount was accessed by my neighbor who just got a gecko and when i was at work posted those questions. I dont know why he posted so many posts, time to change the password tho ugg.
My name is Greg, and i joined the forums a little bit ago. I DO in fact own 9 geckos, and ive posted pictures of them before in the show of fyour leos thread.
Sorry for him anoying the forum with newbish questions man, gonna change my password.