hey guys new guy on the block


New Member
Hey everyone.. i am just stopping by to say hello. i just got into leopard geckos a few months ago and I just got one!!!! I have no idea what kind of morph it is.. i dont think it is a normal. it kind looks like a jungle but not really..idk.lol..maybe tomrrow i will take pics and post it so you guys can help me out alittle bit with that. It is a baby, i got it from the ***** where i work. I took it right off the truck when i saw the color and pattern so hopefully it did not get a chance to caught anything from other geckos or animals. anyway, i think i have everything set up real good for now. i have it in a 20 long tank. meal worm dish, water dish, 1 hide on warm side, 1 hide on cool side, 1 moist hide in the middle, dish with some cal-storn calcium.( which i have yet to see it eat, it did walk through it once..lol).....I have 1 zoo med heat pad on the warm side connected to a allife termostat which is set to stay at 92.5 degrees F. i got it yesterday. i think it is only about 3 or 4 months old. like i said i got it yesterday night but i have not seen it eat yet,! today i changed its tank floor from paper towels to green repti carpet(which i like alot).. since i changed it i have seen it walking around checking out its new house and i licked the water like 2 times then walked away. i have not tryed to feed it anything but mealworm yet. i just leave a dish with meal worms in it, but all it seems to do is go into the hides and sleep. am i doing everything ok???.. should baby leopard gecko not have a high temp in the warm side of 92.5? because yesterday when it was on paper towels the temp on only on 85 on the warm hide. and it stayed in the warm hide all day.. but now that i changed the tank floor to the repti carpet and the temp is at 92.5 it is staying in the cool side hide all the time. but i dont think it is because it is too hott for him because when i first changed everything and put it back in the tank. it was just looking around and found the cool side hide and went right into that one and has not come out. but it did not even go over to the warm side to check out over there.. did it just find a sweet spot and wanted to go to sleep on the cool side? or is something wrong?.. thanks and hello again to all


New Member
Welcome to the forums! It sounds like you are doing everything right.:main_thumbsup: Sometimes new geckos won't eat for a few days. It will take a while for your gecko to get used to it's new surroundings and become more active.

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