Hi all! New to the forum, but not to geckos, reptiles, or even forums in general 
I started my run with reptiles with a joke. Thats right. A joke. It was about a week till Christmas, and I was visiting my local Pet-relatively-Smart. I saw the most adorable little lizard, with a name that I couldn't even pronounce. As custom dictates, if its cute, take a picture! Which I did
A few days after that, mom asked what I had wanted for Christmas. Every year, I ask for a few completely off the wall, for the giggles. Never in a million years did I expect to get that cute little lizard, which I now, obviously, know is a Mali Uromastyx, who has about $400 and counting under his cute little nose :main_rolleyes:
I named him Rex, and at this point, I've had him about 4 years, I think? He's about 9 inches long, and has got a 40 breeder till he gets a bit larger, and I have have the space for the 75 I want to keep him for remainder of his years.
About a year a half ago, I went to one of the many Repticon shows (back then, it was my third or so), and fell in love with a gorgeous female Dreamsickle Leopard Gecko. It took about 8 months before I noticed something was a bit off with her, and another 4 or so months before she stopped eating, and was exhibiting some strange behaviors. It wasn't long after that that I learned about the issues Enigma's have. Usually they show themselves much sooner, I guess? I guess she was a late bloomer. Which I would say is good, for my sake, considering she was my first leo. Would have been a terrible start if she was a typical case! Anyways, Amelia now lives in a 10 gallon with the bare minimum (wet hide, dry hide, heat pad and heat lamp) to keep any risks of injury as low as possible (she used to be in a 20 long). Feeding can be a challenge, but she usually does pretty well. We occasionally have problems with her only wanting wax worms, and she'll go on a eating strike for a few days, but she gets over it, and goes back on her Phoenix worms after a few days of shelf-inflicted starvation. Here's a pic mommy's little brat =)
Then, 4 months ago, I went to another Repticon show, and got my second leo, a snow I named Orchid (she actually didn't get a name until just last week! More on that later lol). There are few saying they think she was mismarked. I couldn't say, really. The only thing I've learned is to stay away from Enigmas. Other than that, morphs don't matter much to me. Anyways, she grew like a stinking weed, and quickly outgrew her temporary 10 gallon. This helped me decide that it was best if I moved Amelia into the 10 and Orchid into the 20 long.
Orchid is real quite (she'll sit and stare at you when she's hungry), where as Amelia stomps all over the tank, making as much noise as possible. Its easy to forget about her at times-- Amelia is such an attention hog! She loves to be handled, though, and is very adventurous. Once she gets an idea in her head, I have a hard time keeping up with her! She's so feisty when she wants something LOL Last week, her thing was playing a bit of leftover butter from the night before's dinner XD Here's my feisty little baby
She's getting close to shedding. She's usually a bit brighter.
And the last of my reptile babies, my newest addition, little Raven. Lavender and tangerine, and so stinking cute! Just got her on the 15th, a whopping 4 days ago
She's pretty anti-social, but hopefully with some attention she'll get over that. Eats like its going out of style, too! Holy dang! She ate for the first time for me night before last, and she threw back more than 20 inch and half mealies, a 1-inch waxworm, and 3 or so 3/4 inch Phoenix worms. Only ate a couple meal worms last night, and still had the gut to show the night before's feast. Still have no idea where she put it all. I think she stomach actually opens up into some sort of 8th dimension....
As for other critters, I've currently got a 130 pound, 10 year old Rottweiler mix, a 65 pound, 11 year old lab/retriever mix, a 1.5 year old 8 pound Jack Russell/Maltese mix, as well as over 15 goldfish spread around 365 gallons of goldfish designated aquariums and ponds, and three smaller betta and community tanks. I've also had rabbits in the past. Good thing I'm going to school to be a vet! Looking forward to getting to know you guys, and getting some first hand info!
I started my run with reptiles with a joke. Thats right. A joke. It was about a week till Christmas, and I was visiting my local Pet-relatively-Smart. I saw the most adorable little lizard, with a name that I couldn't even pronounce. As custom dictates, if its cute, take a picture! Which I did
A few days after that, mom asked what I had wanted for Christmas. Every year, I ask for a few completely off the wall, for the giggles. Never in a million years did I expect to get that cute little lizard, which I now, obviously, know is a Mali Uromastyx, who has about $400 and counting under his cute little nose :main_rolleyes:
I named him Rex, and at this point, I've had him about 4 years, I think? He's about 9 inches long, and has got a 40 breeder till he gets a bit larger, and I have have the space for the 75 I want to keep him for remainder of his years.

About a year a half ago, I went to one of the many Repticon shows (back then, it was my third or so), and fell in love with a gorgeous female Dreamsickle Leopard Gecko. It took about 8 months before I noticed something was a bit off with her, and another 4 or so months before she stopped eating, and was exhibiting some strange behaviors. It wasn't long after that that I learned about the issues Enigma's have. Usually they show themselves much sooner, I guess? I guess she was a late bloomer. Which I would say is good, for my sake, considering she was my first leo. Would have been a terrible start if she was a typical case! Anyways, Amelia now lives in a 10 gallon with the bare minimum (wet hide, dry hide, heat pad and heat lamp) to keep any risks of injury as low as possible (she used to be in a 20 long). Feeding can be a challenge, but she usually does pretty well. We occasionally have problems with her only wanting wax worms, and she'll go on a eating strike for a few days, but she gets over it, and goes back on her Phoenix worms after a few days of shelf-inflicted starvation. Here's a pic mommy's little brat =)

Then, 4 months ago, I went to another Repticon show, and got my second leo, a snow I named Orchid (she actually didn't get a name until just last week! More on that later lol). There are few saying they think she was mismarked. I couldn't say, really. The only thing I've learned is to stay away from Enigmas. Other than that, morphs don't matter much to me. Anyways, she grew like a stinking weed, and quickly outgrew her temporary 10 gallon. This helped me decide that it was best if I moved Amelia into the 10 and Orchid into the 20 long.
Orchid is real quite (she'll sit and stare at you when she's hungry), where as Amelia stomps all over the tank, making as much noise as possible. Its easy to forget about her at times-- Amelia is such an attention hog! She loves to be handled, though, and is very adventurous. Once she gets an idea in her head, I have a hard time keeping up with her! She's so feisty when she wants something LOL Last week, her thing was playing a bit of leftover butter from the night before's dinner XD Here's my feisty little baby

And the last of my reptile babies, my newest addition, little Raven. Lavender and tangerine, and so stinking cute! Just got her on the 15th, a whopping 4 days ago

As for other critters, I've currently got a 130 pound, 10 year old Rottweiler mix, a 65 pound, 11 year old lab/retriever mix, a 1.5 year old 8 pound Jack Russell/Maltese mix, as well as over 15 goldfish spread around 365 gallons of goldfish designated aquariums and ponds, and three smaller betta and community tanks. I've also had rabbits in the past. Good thing I'm going to school to be a vet! Looking forward to getting to know you guys, and getting some first hand info!
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