


:main_laugh: Hey Everyone! My name is Jake, and i joined these forums because i have a Hobby Collecting Reptiles and Amphibians. Now, the first Reptile i ever got was a Leopard Gecko, who i still have, i got Her when i was four. Her name is Cyrus, she is 8, and i love her very much. Over the years i started getting new pets, And most of them died, But Cyrus has been with me through Most of my life. Now i feel as if i want another Gecko, But this time it'll have to be a Crestie, There is a Woman on YouTube who's channel Shows all of her Hatchlings and Gecko's, and now i think i want a Crestie. I will start saving up money, researching, and all the other important Info when i feel it's ready. Thanks, Jake.

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