Howdy! I discovered this site today while searching for inspiration for my "fake-rock-wall" for my new leo. The leo isn't scheduled to arrive until May 13th, but I figure I should give myself plenty of time on this little adventure. I'm hoping to learn more than what "The Leopard Gecko Manual" can tell me about leos, so I've been lurking in that subforum today. 
I'm new to leos, but not to geckos. I've got 1.2.2 cresties and 1 baby boy tokay. Since posts are more fun with pics, here's some of my geckos (in order of appearance - Oliver, Scout, & Little Miss Biteypants):
I'm new to leos, but not to geckos. I've got 1.2.2 cresties and 1 baby boy tokay. Since posts are more fun with pics, here's some of my geckos (in order of appearance - Oliver, Scout, & Little Miss Biteypants):