Hi from Spain!



Hello everybody!

I am english but lived in Spain for over 20 years, studied over here, etc and now I am a dog-cat vet (we get a few exotics every week so I'm happy :)

Right now I am working on the new Reptiland.es website, in spanish, which covers reptile care sheets, pathologies and veterinary services. Hopefully that should be up and running in the very near future! Maybe, if I found the time in the future, I could work on the english version...

I've been keeping reptiles forever! lizards (iguanas, anoles, chams, geckoes, basilisks, sungazers, monitor lizards, etc), snakes (tree and ground pythons, tree and ground boas, lampros, elaphes, nothing poisonous though, yet!), tortoises (stars, spurred, spur-thied, red footed, yellow footed, leopards, etc) and crocodilians (just spectacled caimans).

Right now I keep the following:

Eublepharis macularius:
6.8 Nominal
1.1 Blizzard
0.1 Hypo
1.0 Tremper Enigma 66% poss het Nova
1.0 Jungle Raptor 2 snake eyes
1.0 Nova
0.1 Sunglow Tremper Enigma 66% poss het Nova
0.1 Aptoglow het Raptoglow
0.1 Raptor 2 ruby eyes
0.2 Mack Snow Tremper het Raptor
0.1 RERS
0.1 Raptor
0.1 Hypo Mack Snow Tremper
1.0 Raptor het DB
0.3 Blanco het DB

1.2 Rhacodactylus ciliatus

2.3 Underwoodisaurus milli

2.2 Iguana iguana

0.1 Furcifer pardalis Nosy Mitsio x Ambilobe

1.1 Testudo graeca

0.0.1 Morelia viridis Biak

1.1 Acrantophis dumerili

3.3 Trachemys scripta scripta/elegans

So hello again! Very pleased to be here! I hope to see you guys around, "reptileing" or "reptileando" as they say in spanish! :)


Gecko Newbie
Deventer, the Netherlands
Bienvenido en Geckoforums! Great to have more people from mainland Europe, also great to have another vet on board since they are scarce on this forum and Maia probably resents the facts that she HAS TO BE on here all the time :D

Espero que tendrás buenos tiempos en este forum y puedes mandarnos un poco de sol por favor? :)


Hello BGalloway, I have kept Gerrhosaurus flavigularis, but I would not say that I am very well experienced with the species, I did not breed them and only kept them for a short period. I gather you keep gerrhosaurus?


I am really looking forward to "life in geckoforums"! By the way, erik, who is Maia? And, of couse! te mandaré unas fotillos del solecito español!


Gecko Newbie
Deventer, the Netherlands
I am really looking forward to "life in geckoforums"! By the way, erik, who is Maia? And, of couse! te mandaré unas fotillos del solecito español!

Muchas gracias! :)

Maia is GF's only digital vet as far as I know, She goes by JordanAng420. Maybe it's weird that I'm the one referring to this since I've only been here since september but I've seen her giving a lot of tlc to the health and meds forum, haha.


New Member
Northeast USA
I don't have Gerrhosaurus yet, I'm getting one (Gerrhosaurus flavigularis) soon though and am just looking for tips about keeping them that wouldn't be found in a care sheet.

What part of Spain are you in? I used live in Andalucia when my dad was in the navy, but that was when I was really young.


I am quite near Andalucia, in Puerto de Mazarrón (Murcia) at the present. Maybe moving back to the city soon...

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