Hi please reassure me

Okay I may just be crazy but I was looking at this thread about sexing a juvie leo and I needed a flashlight so I caught my eye on this...


New Member
although i'm not sure, most of mine were pretty see through in the belly while they were younger so it may just be that. especially if he's showing no signs and is eating good.


Winchester, UK
as far as im aware thats just his insides. the top half will be pretty see through as the lungs are there.
stomach, liver and intestines are denser ans should be full of food and faeces which is why they appear darker.
dont do that to him too often as the light can burn not to mention holding him like that is very stressful.
If hes eating walking and pooping theres no need to worry :)

plus if your really worried about crypto then your much better off sending a pooh sample to the vets it will cost hardly any thing for them to test it for you.
as far as im aware thats just his insides. the top half will be pretty see through as the lungs are there.
stomach, liver and intestines are denser ans should be full of food and faeces which is why they appear darker.
dont do that to him too often as the light can burn not to mention holding him like that is very stressful.
If hes eating walking and pooping theres no need to worry :)

plus if your really worried about crypto then your much better off sending a pooh sample to the vets it will cost hardly any thing for them to test it for you.

Yeah I know I don't hold him like that unless I need to.
Thanks everyone!

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