hi post pic of tanks


Winchester, UK
my fave tank

This is my giant leo viv, it took me weeks to build and decorate. there are normally more stones in there but i took them out to clean. all my others are just on paper towels with shed boxes and hides so nothing to exciting lol
The lamp shade has a black light in it for during the winter but i dont really ever have to use it.
This is my giant leo viv, it took me weeks to build and decorate. there are normally more stones in there but i took them out to clean. all my others are just on paper towels with shed boxes and hides so nothing to exciting lol
The lamp shade has a black light in it for during the winter but i dont really ever have to use it.

Whoa! What an awesome tank! How many leos do you house in there???
How did you get the pic on the post???
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North Bay
This is my giant leo viv, it took me weeks to build and decorate. there are normally more stones in there but i took them out to clean. all my others are just on paper towels with shed boxes and hides so nothing to exciting lol
The lamp shade has a black light in it for during the winter but i dont really ever have to use it.

Nice tank,
I especially like the leaf choice, I have the same vine in mine


Winchester, UK
I did a lot of research on other peoples vivs since I was no longer breeding and had re-homed many of my collection I wanted to give the ones I could keep a nice big home to live in.
There is three adult females in there, a 2yr old, 3yr old and 4yr old.
I know a lot of people are against sand but most of it is fixed or covered with large boulders. and iv never had any problems with sand all the years iv had geckos, i do only use sand with adults. They just love to dig all the time. some times iv watched then make piles and then lay over them like a bean bag lol

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