Hi there!


New Member
Hi everyone :)

I'm a bit of a beginner in terms of reptiles (I know basics and a lot of theory :p, but don't have much hands on care experience) and am hoping to learn a lot more as I've been bitten by the herp bug!

My big area of expertise I have to admit is parrots---but I'm hoping to equally one day know as much about reptiles. I've come here looking for help with my leopard gecko, Chakra, who so far seems to be doing well despite me being a newbie (well--untill recently, but thats for another post) and has been a jewel to own as she usually eats like a pig and is a very sweet, gentle and balanced gecko (hence her name). She's a bit of a mixed bag genetically as far as friends and I can tell (looks like a high yellow with some very sparse dark spots, a hint of carrot tail) but she's got a bit of a bulldog face and is absolutely adorable :)


North Bay
welcome to the site, this is my number one resource for many questions I have, I think you'll like it here and learn just about anything you need, or want to know

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