

Marmalade Ho

All right...so, I was at a pet store, been wanting a leo for awhile and ran across a sale they had on some and figured why not.

I have an enclosure that 3.5 feet by 18 inches by 2 feet (approximately), a dome light with a reflector and a halogen bulb, the temp is usually around 85 to 90 directly at the basking spot, I've given him/her a couple hides, a half log type of thing, a spot under a magnetic basking spot, some fake foliage, and some extra eco carpet rolled up that he/she can climb/hide in, and just placed an order for moss to make a moist hide box out of a little Tupperware box. I'm using that eco carpet stuff as a substrate since I've always worried about impaction with any herp I've got. I also have a UTH but thought the temps seemed good and am a little afraid it might make the bottom too hot (it did with my ball python). There's a small, shallow dish with fresh water daily and another shallow dish with some calcium powder available.

It's been a couple days since I got him/her, he/she/s rather small so I was going to hold back on taming until larger, and I haven't really done a whole lot besides change water and check on if it still looks alert and active. So, should I go ahead and feed him/her or wait for him/her to settle in more?


Est; 1992
London, UK
Put some mealworms in a dish with some calcium without d3 in its enclosure, he/she will eat soon when its dark, as for your heating I would swap out your light for your UTH leos need belly heat to digest foot etc, i put a rock on top of one of my uth's and the geckos can sit on it if they want to be out and still have something warm to sit on, just make sure you got it hooked up to a stat and you will be ok, 85-90 is good temp.
By the sounds of it, im assuming this is a hatchling your going to have trouble finding him in a 3.5 foot wide tank but atleast your not making the mistake of having a tank too small..Apart from that some pictures would be appreciated so we can see your little find, do you know what morph it is?

Marmalade Ho

Okay, will do. I just placed an order for a rheostat and timer so I'll hook up the UTH when those come in.

I'm not sure...was thinking a Hypo Tangerine but it'll probably be easier to tell when he/she gets older.

Yes, it is a hatchling.

And he/she tends to stay on the warm side usually in the fake leaves so that's usually where I look first, doesn't hide too much (unless the cats are showing a lot of interest, in the process of finding a stand for the tank).

I'll get some pictures sometime, don't have internet just occasionally come over to my mom's to order supplies.

Since I'm thinking of it, is it okay for leos to have silkworms? I get them at times as treats for my beardie.

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