hides with entry holes on top... question

Paula Marez

New Member
San Diego
I plan to make a new feeder hide/box, something removable that will only be put in the tank when it's feeding time. I have a long tupperware box and I think a top-entrance would be better so the crickets maybe have a harder time finding out to escape from it. I plan to put cricket food on the opposite side as the entry hole, in the hope that this will keep them away from discovering it.

Do your geckos have any trouble learning how to use a top-entry hide? Any suggestions on how to help him out?


New Member
Kansas City, Missouri
My geckos humid hide has the hole on top and she has no problem with it, but why would you do that for feeders? I really don't think a leopard gecko is going to get in there only at feeding time to eat. Whenever I feed crickets to Ozy (which is rarely) I just cut the back legs off with a pair of scissors and drop them in front of her one at a time until she doesn't want anymore... But Ozy won't eat out of a dish of any sort. If yours eats out of a dish, just cut the back legs off and drop them in the dish...

Paula Marez

New Member
San Diego
I guess I might have to just get over it, but pulling or cutting legs off crickets is hard for me. My leo eats crickets no problem, I'm just trying to minimize the mess and the number of crickets that I can't find and get out later. I've seen some people here take their leo out and put them in a feeder box- this is like that but rather than take him out I just put this IN.



New Member
Kansas City, Missouri
I get what you're saying, but I don't think leos are smart enough to realize they have to get IN that hide to eat. You're just gonna have to get over it and cut the legs off. They are going to die in like 2 seconds anyways! LOL! I can't pull the legs off either, but I have no problem nipping them off with a pair of scissors. If you're going to keep a healthy and happy leo, you just have to get over it. :)


Ridgewood, NJ
As long as the hide isn't taller than their torso mine have no issue getting in and out of top-entry hides. I actually think they may enjoy crawling up and down on them :)

Paula Marez

New Member
San Diego
Thanks for the replies- I really want to be able to feed a variety of foods (I've been doing crickets, mealworms, and phoenix worms), and my leo likes the crickets so I'll do what's best for him. Free-range crickets has worked ok, I was just trying to reduce the difficulty of chasing them out from behind hides and stuff.

No real luck with the "feeding hide" yet- I got him in there but I think he was too weirded out to be interested in eating the crickets! Back to the drawing board :)

SC Geckos

New Member
I feed mealworms and dubias but if you want to use crickets and don't want them running crazy in the enclosure you could always put them in a container, add your supplement powder, put a lid on it and shake the mess out of them. (which will stun them) Then you can drop in a few at a time and they will not run very far.

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