Higher end breeding projects, new lower prices!


Ghoulish Geckos
Need to raise quick funds for NARBC. So new prices. Pics and info in available album. Everything is OBO and I'm motivated to get some moved asap.

TSF Radar $150
Gwen $200
Fiona $150
Inferno $125
Ofelia $175
Iris $375
Rendell $300
TSF Blizzard het Bell $100
Clear $135
Jaime $165
Gale $135
Quentin $175
Rynn $175
Kisten $175
Mia $150
Jules $175
Arkin $475

The geckos with names are all adult breeders. I have the genetics and sexes listed on ghoulish geckos facebook page. Radars, Bell Blazing Blizzards, Super Snow Eclipse, Blood stuff, etc. All adults from great breeders.

I will give a huge discount if you want everything! I have pics on facebook of everything, but I can also e-mail some if you are not on there. PM or e-mail me with any questions. Only trades for eclipse and eclipse crosses (must have a certain look though) and rare lizards. Otherwise I would just prefer to sell them so I have some spending money next weekend. I will also take payment plans.

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