Hmmm I don't know what to expect??


New Member
Chicagoland area/western suburbs
Hi all,
I was just looking for a little insight I guess. My dads leopard geckos have been breeding since fall.. Well I got 2 females in the mail in November. I just got 2 males a couple months ago. All 4 are at breeding age and weight. I had them all in separate tanks and such. Well everyone has been bugging me to pair them up and put the females with the males. I was a little nervous since it was my first time pairing up geckos. Finally Thursday I caved in. I put my reverse stripe female with my darker Raptor male. When I put her in his tank he was crazy obsessed with biting her tail. She did not like him at all, my dad told me to leave her in there cuz his geckos do that constantly. Well I put my Sunglow Enigma with the lighter raptor male. He took off after her and bit her stomach, she snapped back and they have been quiet ever since. So tomorrow they have been together for a week.
They seem to be getting along, both pairs are eating together, sleeping in the same hide boxes. Only thing is, everytime the males try to mate the females totally reject them.
Like I said I'm pretty new to this, so I guess my question is, will they ever breed?? I know maybe at night they may be, but my dads geckos are very noisy at night when they breed and my geckos are more quiet now that they are paired up than when they were alone.
Are my geckos weird?? Has anyone ever had this same kind of thing happen?? Or am I just new to this and don't know the ropes??? I've heard that some geckos may not be good breeding material, how do I know if that is the case???
THanks Guys, SOrry so long, I just wanted to explain what is up.
Have a Good Night,


New Member
If the females are not ovulating they will reject the male, if they are not ovulating you should seperate them before one of them gets hurt.


New Member
Chicagoland area/western suburbs
Oh ok. Sounds about right. Just wondering? So they can't be housed together then. How come in the books they say they can even if they fight sometimes. Or are you just saying for now. The last four days they seem to be getting along great. The females seem to be getting little pink spots in their tummies. That means they are ovulating right?? Geezz I sound like such a dumb dumb...HAHAHA!!!! I just want everything to go well and smooth. Espec, since this is my first time doing this. My dad is bragging he's got eggs and I don't even know if my geckos like eachother...LOL!! Guess you gotta start somewhere, glad I got this forum for advice!! THANKS!!


New Member
yes the lil pink spots mean tha eggs are comming some females are slower then others so do get mad at your dad bugging you that hes got eggs already i house my normales in a colony with 2 females to one male all year round and have never had a problem i have a ton of extra tanks and if i notice anything wrong then ill take out one like i have a phantom that had a massive bite mark on her back i took her out treated her wound then when she was heald up i placed her back in to the colony that i the onl issue ive had

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