Aunt J
How do you determine how big the hot area needs to be? Should it simply be big enough for the lizards to get on it, or should it be a certain percentage of the overall floorspace? Does there need to be a large part of the hot area that isn't covered by hides, or does it just need to be large enough to put the hides on them? Should the main part of the tank be hot, or cool, or an even distribution of both?
I'm using an 8x8 UTH pad in an 18x24 tank, and when I get a second hide on there, it will almost be covered by the hides -- is that big enough for 2 leos?
I'm using an 8x8 UTH pad in an 18x24 tank, and when I get a second hide on there, it will almost be covered by the hides -- is that big enough for 2 leos?