House Gecko Question



I have always heard about House Geckos being able to to live in 10 and 20 gallon tanks, I just want to know if there is a such thing as having too big of a tank? I have a custom made tank that is about equal to 120 gallons and I’m wondering would that be too big for a couple of House Geckos? Also I have heard that House Geckos can be mixed with other species, such as Anoles? Any truth to that? One last question, how big of a heat lamp (or any other type of heat) do you think I would need for that big of a tank? (it is about 3 feet tall). Actually any suggestions on how to heat the tank would help me.



New Member
Personally I think that enclosure would be way too big, they eat live insects and that size enclosure would make it difficult to find the prey items. I have much larger lizards then that housed in similar sized enclosures and those stinking crickets can hide anywhere and be difficult to catch. As far as heat that is a large enclosure, I dont know what type of wattage you'd require, you dont want a bulb thats gets too hot in the hot end .. you need to have a heat gradient from aprox 90 degrees high (I wouldnt go higher really) and 75 degrees low. A low wattage heat bulb should do that. And I wouldnt run it at night because you should allow for a natural temp drop, unless your lizard is in a cold room (dont let it drop below 65, around 70 would be good for night temp). Some poeple suggest using light dimmers to contol the heat, I personally havent tried this .. I find it easier to run a higher wattage day bulb and then have a lower wattage night bulb set on a timmer for night because my reptile room is a little cool in winter.

As for housing them with other species I have no clue sorry LOL All my different reptiles species are housed seperate.

Just search google for house gecko care sheets and you should gets lost of useful sites come up. I'd check what they suggest for max enclosure sizes :)

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