Housing Questions


New Member

I am looking at converting an old aquarium into a gecko enclosure, its 120g long tank, how many geckos do you think it has the capacity to hold? i was hoping to start off at just two but i am curious what the capacity could be for the future. I could also use a divider to make it smaller enclosures within the tank if thats a better idea.

I am also curious about live plants, doing the enclosure seems almost as exiting as having the geckos. I have somewhat of a green thumb, is it possible to do a grass bed? This way i can have soil to plant live plants in.

Thank you in advance for the information.


Arizona Leos

New Member
This tank is very big! I believe if your looking to breed them in that, it could hold 6 to 7 geckos at least( because some geckos can be territorial). Its your choice to put the dividers in but dont put two males together asd they will fight. Can you send me a picture of the tank to my page plz? ide love to see it and give you a more precise answer:) and the grass bed you could do but i would not recomend it. If you are looking to put some plants in it, you should stick to hardy plants like cactus and succulents( you can tell im from Arizona). Hope this helps and hope you send me a pic and reply:)!!!

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