housing two leos


New Member

No matter what sex they are they'll bully for food and the "best" spots in the terrarium. I've read that a rough rule of thumb is 10gallons per gecko. I keep my two leo's in separate terrariums, it turns out that 2 10 gallon aquariums are cheaper than 1 20 gallon.

If I were to decide to house them together, for whatever reason, I'd make sure that I had more than enough hides on the warm side with equal temps for them both, more than enough cooler resting spots, and two humid hides. I'd try to keep everything identical and duplicated to minimize dominance struggles for the best conditions.

I also would feed them personally instead of leaving a bowl of food available.

If you notice any difference in health or signs of fighting/bullying you need to be prepared to separate them immediately.


New Member
Try to get them both young, so they grow up together and are used to being around each other. Some people have even been able to keep 2 males together that way, but it's 100% not recommended to ever put 2 males together.

Avoid introducing new females into an environment where another adult female already marked her territory. That's just asking for trouble. There are always stories of docile females that really just don't mind having another female leo around. But to make it easier for them, and for you so you don't end up with broken tails or dead geckos, try to introduce them together when they're young.

You also got to remember, sometimes they just won't get along, no matter how much you try. So if you notice aggression, separate them immediately. When I first joined this forum I was attempting to put 2 juvenile females in the same tank. One was very docile and didn't mind the other, but one was snapping at the other leopard gecko. So I end up separating them within a day.
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