So I have one female leo named Malice who I adopted quite a few months back. She was just a tad under weight when I got her and never really seemed to pack on much more weight but was eating none-the-less. Well, last month she just stopped eating all together. I wasn't sure what was going on since all of my others are quite beastly and will attack anything that moves. I set up a quarantine tank and put her in it, added a UTH and red heat lamp. I fed her some repti-aid a few times a week for a bit but could tell she was getting stressed out so I let her be for the next few weeks. She ended up dropping a good 10 grams and I was so sure she was going to just give up. But low and behold, she is now eating more than some of my best eaters! Her tail no longer looks like a twig and her colors are becoming vibrant again . She chased down about 5 large crix today on top of the regular mealies she is offered daily with the occasional waxworm. I've read a couple other stories like this so I wanted to know how many other people had the same type of situation happen...and I figured it would be nice to have a not-so-sad story to add.