How are your mealworms shipped?


New Member
Southern California
So I just got my 1000 free mealworms from shipped to my door this morning. I saw that the box had several holes punched. I opened the box to find what looked like a snake bag, only even thinner material. Inside were 3 portions of a newspaper crumpled up and the mealworms. I'm pleased to note that hardly any were dead, and there were over 1000. BUT...there was absolutely NO FOOD inside. They were shipped Tuesday morning, arrived Friday morning. Even if they did place food inside, I would have expected to find at least remnants of a carrot or potato slice. There was no powdered substance (such as the meal) anywhere inside. Some of the newspaper and dead mealworms had been chewed.
Should I complain? Granted, they were "free" mealworms (though had to pay 5.07 in shipping). Temperatures here are chilly, but mealworms are often placed in fridges, and it's not colder fridge here, so I'm not worried about heat packs or anything. Just simply worried that there didn't seem to be any food. They are now being gutloaded before I place some of them in my geckos' bowls tonight.

How are they usually shipped though? I've only had mealworms shipped to me once, and they were in separate containers of 500 each (from Timberline, I believe), so I'm unsure of how they should be shipped.


New Member
South Florida
Thats how I get the ones that I buy. And theirs never any food in it either. Not sure if that's how it's supposed to be done, I never really thought of it.


Ridgewood, NJ
I've never ordered from rainbow but the ones I've gotten elsewhere came shipped priority (2-3 days) in bags with newspaper similar to what you describe. I wouldn't complain unless there were lots dead, mealworms can go for a while without food. I look at it as a good thing since they show up hungry and I can quickly gut load them with good stuff before feeding the first batch. I usually only give them kale and carrots overnight and put the ones I don't feed off on oats after that.


New Member
Southern California
Thank you both for your answers, then. Didn't realize that they can go for a while without food, I guess. Won't be complaining then...but I probably won't buy from there anyways. I mainly did it for the free mealworms, but my supplier (driving distance) has them about the same price as if I were to buy from Rainbow.

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