I got my gecko today and she's quite young. I'm pretty sure that you need to give geckos calcium but I don't know how to. I'm going to feed my gecko meal worms but how?
What I do with mealies is put an excess of calcium powder in a deli cup, put the worms in the deli cup, and swish the worms around in circular motions (sometimes you have to do it pretty hard) to coat them. Then give the gecko the worms.
Important things to note about supplementation:
Geckos need more than calcium. They also need vitamins, especially vitamin D3 because without it, the gecko cannot process the calcium. People use different methods for getting their geckos proper supplementation. I simply use a brand called Repashy calcium plus because it contains all the needed calcium and vitamins for your gecko. Other people come up with a routine. As babies, I think a common method is pure calcium 4x a week, calcium with D3 2x a week, and vitamins 1x a week. But I always recommend using Repashy because it is just easier.
It's also very important to gut-load your feeders before giving them to your gecko. To do this, you should put the mealies on a bed of bran/oats/whatever grain you want and provide them with some vegetables (carrots, kale, whatever) for at least 24 hours. This way, the nutrients that the worms eat will end up in your gecko. This is a very good way to ensure your gecko is getting proper nutrition.
Have you done research on how to care for leopard geckos?
If you like, you could describe your setup and we can tell you if everything sounds good or if something should be changed. This way you can ensure a great start for your little gecko.
Hi Neon, I am new to gecko too. In our country, little people use the brand you recommend, they use Rep-Cal (Cal with D3 and Multivitamins). But when hearing Calcuim Plus, I decide to use it because it is so easy to handle and banana flavor. But here is a question, I don't know how to use and I have been told that every other feeding is great. As we all know, the babies need more supplemenation than adults. So I want to know what's your opionion? I am so afraid that a incorrect feeding schedule will make my leos ill or dead. I love my babies... please help!