How do you feed dubias to your Leo's


New Member
Northern California
How do you feed dubias to your Leo's. I don't like to leave them in the ceramic dishes I feed them because the dubias can still get out sometimes? Hand feed isn't realistic. Suggestions for dishes or style of feeding? Some of my girls won't eat dubias for some reason, can't figure it out.


Well-Known Member
Massachusetts, United States
I'd love to hear some dish recommendations. I'm currently tong feeding my gecko, which is very time intensive and probably won't be reasonable once I have more geckos to watch at feeding time. :)


Biologist & Ecologist
Miami, Fl.
I tong feed the adult geckos, which get the bigger nymphs. I am a tong-fan for sure, I have a small collection of tongs in different sizes and styles, and the ones I use for hand feeding are rubber-tipped which are awesome. They really hold on to slippery exoskeletons pretty well.

Sometimes though, especially if I'm cleaning or redoing something in their tank I will put them in a large plastic container. And to keep them busy I'll throw in a couple roaches, and after they explore for 10 minutes or so they go right into hunting them down. That is always convenient, since the roaches can't go anywhere.

I don't have any time-saving tips though. With roaches I'm always really careful and would rather invest the time to hand feed everyone just because my roach phobia will not allow me to find anything crawling freely through my apartment.

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