how long do leopard geckos retain sperm?


New Member
St Petersburg Fl
I have a breeding group of 1 male and 5 females. A member on the board here suggested getting another male. I thought it was a good suggestion and have been looking to add another male.

The thing is that my male has been with all 5 females. 4 of the 5 have produced eggs and the 5th looks like she will lay eggs any day. How long can a female retain sperm? I thought it was 6 months or so but may have that mixed up with another reptile. Thanks.


New Member
St Petersburg Fl
I thought I'd share the info I found since I could not find it searching this forum. I seems leopard geckos can retain sperm for a year. I did find a discussion on another forum. Some breeders feel a leopard gecko can only retain sperm for about 6 to 9 months based on their experience of lower fertility with each clutch laid during breeding season. Another breeder stated they put a male in with the female at the beginning of the breeding season and never reintroduce the male again. They said they did not have an issue with lower fertility in clutches during the breeding season.

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