How long do they ovulate for?


New Member
Peppa has been off food (even waxworm) for about 3 weeks now.

She has mealworms in her viv at all times now and she doesnt touch them.

Ive looked at her tummy and it seems to have a little pink area so im guessing/hoping shes just ovulating.

Shes about a year old and hasnt been with a male and i dont intend to breed her this year as we dont have the room or equipment to deal with babies.

She was very podgy before this started so she still has a good weight to her but she is gradually losing it.

If she isnt bred how long will this last and when do i need to start worrying?

I have tried every live food i can get with no success so im wondering should i try baby food? I know its not great but ill try anything :(


New Member
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
One of my none-breeder females is ovulating and has been off feed for about 2 months now. Although she was at a good weight before (82g's) and is still in decent condition (70g's) I'm not to worried yet, and I don' think you should be worried yet as long as she still has some junk in the trunk ;)

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