How long untill eggs plump



My one egg is still dented and it looks like its getting bad. I Need help fixing the problem. Someone on here walked me through to reado the mix i. I just put them in there about 1 hrs ago. Because i think the other mix is way off. I will take a picture to show how bad it is???? :main_huh: :eek:


sry picks arent good i tryed. Look at the 2nd pick the eggs to the left you should see it if you look really good. I forgot to out line it in the picture.

o0 Ryan 0o

Staff member
York, PA
I know some people take a little bit of damp paper towel and lay it over the egg to try and fix it. I'd be afraid of too much moisture though. I'd let it go for a day and see if plumps up on its own in the proper mix. If not, then maybe give the damp paper towel trick a try.

If anyone has used the paper towel trick, could you let him know exactly how you did it.


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
the left one is dented? When I was looking I though it was the right one.

You could try placing a moist paper towel over the egg for a day and see if that helps.


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
Ryan, I have used this method before. I use a strong brand of PT and put it under hot water, squeeze out as much water as poss, fold a few times, and place over the egg. The temp of the PT by this time is just warm, and won't cook the egg. I'll leave it in place till the egg plumps back up, usually that day or the next.


Ok i will try the new mix. If its not better by thursday or friday. I will have to try the PT trick. Does anyone know how long i got to fix this problem befor the egg dies. This is my first time Incubating Leopard gecko eggs a local pet shop did mine last year. Thank Guys i hope i can save this egg i lost 4 already this season that were bad eggs. These 2 are the good one. ;(


I use the paper towel just because it is safer than having to move the eggs around. With the paper towel you have to use common sense and not make it soaking wet, you just want it damp. Using this method keeps you from having to move your eggs or making up another mix. Also Im not talking about packing the towel down onto the eggs just kinda laying it on the eggs. You can add a little more water to your mix in with in a day or two it will be back to plump. That is if the egg was good to begin with. If not then there was no "saving" it to begin with. Hope this helps.
P.S. Remember to: What works for one doesn't always work for all.


Thank You it help alot. I know for sure the eggs are good i candle them. I made the mix over in another thing. I put them in there i will check in morning. So please check back for my new post. The last thing im going to do is the PT and damp it like you said one sheet. The other egg looks great its just this one egg. Thank You again


Egg Problem Fixed

:main_yes: I got up this morning and i check out the 2 eggs and the one plumped up over night very full know. Thank You guys so much. I think the problem with me is that every time i make the mix. I guess i make it just a tat to dry. This is my first clutch(sp) to hatch. So far So good. Thanks guys. I will let you know how they are doing by Friday. (JoHn) :main_thumbsup:


The eggs look great today they are filling in nicely. Thank You so much Jess for taking the time to get that damn mix right. I hope they are really nice. I will let you know in the morning. How they are doing i check today and turning very pink. I cant wait to see them hatch. Thankx again :) P.S. YOU ROCK!!!!!!


CoolGecko said:
The eggs look great today they are filling in nicely. Thank You so much Jess for taking the time to get that damn mix right. I hope they are really nice. I will let you know in the morning. How they are doing i check today and turning very pink. I cant wait to see them hatch. Thankx again :) P.S. YOU ROCK!!!!!!

Thanks :) and your welcome! I can't wait to see them all hatched!!!:main_thumbsup:


Hey is Friday Party weekend. Not for me tho. Got some question for you guys. OK today it day 5-6 (Layyed) March 18th. What happens when the eggs turns transparent. I hope nothing is wrong. Because i Can See Veins Running all over the eggs. And i think i See whats starting to be a little gecko Leg or arm starting. The eggs are very full nice and white. Whats the problem here. Does this just happen will my little ones still hatch. I have never seen this be for . This part is new to me. It seems to be about (EST) 1/4-2/4 or 1/2 is transparent maby? It might not be that much. Do any of you guys know what the problem is. Man i just got over fixing the dent problem know this. THIS REALLY SUCKS. ;( ;(. So if you guys know what this is or it just happens thought out the incubation or what because i dont know. Thank You Guys For The Help Once (JoHn)

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