How many have kids?

How many have kids involved in the hobby already? Do they have their own geckos yet? It is a blast and I find kids love this hobby more then most adults... except the cleaning part lol


I have four boys and not a one is interested in my hobby.Well the youngest is 12 and he thinks they are cool but doesnt want one.Doesnt want a snake either, he likes fish and raises bettas.

My three oldest are grown and have no reptiles at all even though they were raised around them, mostly snakes, boas, corns etc. No interest at all, kind of depressing really.

But they do have dogs.


New Member
NE Ohio
Like the poster above me, my kids are basically grown now. Soon to be 20 and soon to be 19. One still lives at home and one does not. They both enjoy and like reptiles, but not as much as I do. They are both in college and therefore have not gotten their own pets as adults yet. Growing up they did not have reptiles that were considered just theirs. But they did enjoy the reptiles in our reptile room.


New Member
:DI have two boys one fifteen and one four, the four year old loves all animals he was handling my geckos and green tree python at two. He made me get the first gecko after seeing the movie rango, and I took the ball and ran. He loves feeding them though with around 25 geckos it take and hour for him to grab and count mealworms. My older one never had much interest till recently traded some leos for a sulcata tortious which he is caring for. The little one also forced me to buy a 125 saltwater tank or gave me an excuse. Keep them kids busy with hobbies and sports


New Member
My oldest (17) really has no interest. He's the computer nerd in the family :) On the other hand, my youngest (15), she's into the reptile hobby - only she keeps snakes (Balls, boas, & corns) She's also a volunteer at our local shelter and they love her so much there that they have asked her to do educational presentations for younger children in their summer camps and such. She takes a select group of our guys - snakes and geckos. She loves it, the little kids love it and it's amazing to see that even the parents who stay behind to watch have a lot of questions for her too. I'm proud of her, she's changing fear into respect.


New Member
St. Petersburg, FL
I have one son still at home (other kids are grown and are out!); he is 15 with a very rare sleep disorder that has prevented him from doing "normal" kid things for the last few years. There is no cure and no medication for this, we even tried the meds that fighter pilots use to stay awake. Although it may gradually go away, a remission of sorts, as he ages. Hence the "chaos" in his choice of Chaotic Geckos as a business name.

He is hospital home bound/home schooled and the geckos are in a large part therapy, small part grade. He was working toward improving his stock and exploring genetics, breeding geckos purchased only from reputable breeders, had done the research and is in his second year of breeding leos and his fourth year of breeding crested geckos with my help. Neither of us know it all, never will, and ask questions as we go.

Unfortunately, one of the big name breeders sold him mislabeled stock (that's my explanation, breeder claims they weren't his stock even though we keep everything including deli cup labels) which led to a very large monetary loss and animals we had to make some hard choices with. I am not sure he will continue to breed but we still have geckos aged from a month old to four years old that he loves and cares for. Eventually quite a few of them will be for sale, or they should be, it's Hard to sell those sweet little faces though!

He was working with what he thought were firewaters<----not, real raptors and aptors from Creative Geckos, high contrast Tremper bandits, TUG tangerines and an accidental enigma pairing...that won't be repeated but produced two that are turning out to be beautiful juvies.

Regardless of whether he continues to breed, he will continue to enjoy the geckos he has now...he even cleans tubs when he can and pays for all his supplies.


New Member
I'm 13 and love taking care of mu leos. I can not wait for the NYC Reptile expo because i will be able to get more of them. I am constantly on the computer looking at geckos and researching how to keep my geckos healthy. I will hopefully be breeding next season. I am so into this and I hope i can keep my geckos forever.

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