How Many Hides?


Aunt J

I just set up a tank for two new one-year-old females. I've never kept two in a tank before, and I have a concern.

The tank is 18x24, and I put a smallish humid hide in the middle of the temp range, plus one largish hide on the hot side. It has three entrances and seems plenty big enough for two one-year-olds, but I've yet to see both of the girls in there at the same time, and neither ever goes into the humid hide. Whichever one isn't in the hot-side hide slips behind a plant over on the cool side. If they hate the humid hide, do they each need their own hide on the hot side? I can't tell if the one not in the hide is stressed out by not having a place of her own, or if she is just hanging out in the cool side because that's where she wants to be.


I would put a total of 4 hides (2 cold and 2 humid/warm) at first and let them decide which they like, some of my geckos didn't like their humid hides at first because of the substrates but they get use to it after awhile and start going in. :)


Leos often find their own favorite place to sleep during the day. I've had some that never use their humid hides and some who love them. The humid hide is normally put on the warm side so that its humidity is higher than the rest of the tank. You then can also put a hide inbetween and on the cooler side. I'm sure one of the hides will seem perfect for the gecko at some point or another. Don't worry if they don't sleep together. Leos aren't really social and as long as there is room for both in the hide it is probably just because it finds another place in the tank to be more comfortable.

The only thing I would do is watch the geckos and make sure there is no bullying. Hope this helps :).


im doing 3 hides total, but i only have 1 gecko in each cage. 1 is on the warm side, 1 on the cool side, and a humid hide on the warm side.

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