how many hour a day should you leave a heat lamp on?


New Member
hey everyonei have a question regarding heat lamps. I personaly have always used heat pads so im not sure if this is right or wrong. A friend of mine ueses a heat lamp ( red bulb ) im not sure of the wattage, but he leaves the light on 24 hrs a day, and i was wondering if he should turn it off at night. He has a 10 gallon which houses 1 leopard gecko. The lamp is the smallest clamp lamp i believe its a 5 or 5.5 inch diamater. He uses the red bulb which people have suggested for him to use with leos. The room tempature where he keeps his leos is 70-72 degrees F. should he keep it on for 24 hrs a day or should he turn it on for only 12-14 hours a day. thank you for your help


New Member
All the time if no other heat source but he should look into an under tank heater or a day bulb and switch between the 2 on Day/night cycles.
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