How Many Mealworms


New Member
I have two female leopard geckos. They have always eaten crickets but this past spring they were both barely eating so I tried feeding them mealworms, while still offering them crickets. Now the one gecko, Pebbles, eats about 2-3 crickets every other day. The other, Savannah, eats between 1-3 for the week. After I offer crickets, I put a bowl of 8 mealworms in and they eat them overnight so I usually don't know who is eating them. Tonight, I saw Savannah eat 7 mealworms.

I'm wondering if I should put in more mealworms in case Pebbles wants any. Should I always have a bowl of mealworms in there for them so they can eat when they want them? Or should I continue putting in a certain number every other day? Also what is the proper way to gutload mealworms since they stay in the fridge?



Greensboro, NC
I leave about 25 mealworms in two bowls all the time. I even leave a piece of carrot for them to feed off.

Then again, I have two young girls, so I'm not too concerned about over feeding right now.

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New Member
With two in the same enclosure I would put enough worms so there is no fighting. That way both get to eat their fill. Also like Kmay said a small piece of carrot isn't a bad idea I do that on some of mine. Around 9 months geckos are adult size (50-60 grams), I feed adults 6-7 worms every other day unless I notice them losing weight and I will give more. Younger then that I feed 5 meal worms a day, I don't feed more because I don't want to cause issues with over eating when young.

Every 3-4 days you should take the worms out of the fridge and allow them to warm up to room temp and drop a few pieces of carrots in there so they can eat. The next day you can put them back in the fridge to keep longer.

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