How much food is too much?


New Member
My leo is about a few months old, i'm not exactly sure but i have been told that looks about his age. He's about the size of my hand (from tip of tail to head). I try and feed him around 6-9 small crickets per day but sometimes they just keep hopping out and i end up feeding him about 12 or 13. Is this very bad? He seems to gobble them up no problem but can he become sick from this? What should I do and how can i tell if he is if he doesn't throw up? What should i do if he does throw up one day? I just don't know if this is a major problem that he's eating this many, but i know he's growing so i'm not all that worried about it. also, as he grows, how much should i begin feeding him at a time and how often? thank you.
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New Member
Young geckos like yours eat a lot, so you should be fine. They can overeat maybe a couple of times, and regurgitate what they can't digest. But they do learn eventually and will stop overeating later on. For now just feel free to feed your gecko what he'll consume in 15 minutes. Don't leave crickets hopping in the tank for long, take out whatever he doesn't eat before you leave. Free roaming crickets can cause geckos stress and potentially harm since they could gnaw on your gecko's soft parts.

You'll get an idea how much he'll eat later on, because he will stop eating when he's full or don't want anymore.


New Member
If you crush the crickets a little with your tweezers, they won't be able to run away.. as fast. Also, leave a dog kibble or a small piece of carrot in the tank for the runaways so they have something to eat. Crushed crickets would probably die very shortly under a hide or something though and stink up.


James Skar
Brookfield, CT 06804
If you crush the crickets a little with your tweezers, they won't be able to run away.. as fast. Also, leave a dog kibble or a small piece of carrot in the tank for the runaways so they have something to eat. Crushed crickets would probably die very shortly under a hide or something though and stink up.

I agree, but what I do is I pull off ONE Leg, so they can still move around and hop, but they have no balance. When I was pulling off two legs, they were dying too fast or not moving enough for my Leo.

Don't forget to take out the dead crickets ASAP.

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