how much should cresties eat.



I've got some small glass bowls that I use to feed the geckos, that hold about a tablespoon. maybe a little more.

now one small apricot will fill them.

I've been feeding various mashed fruits with day gecko mix stired in (wasn't able to get crested diet when I purchased them)

now I have seen them eat, (in fact had them eat from my fingers.) but I dont see a massive difference in the amount of food left in their bowls then next day.

so far tried strawberry, apricot and banana. and I think the apricot one is the one I've had the most luck with, (trying banana tonight)

will probably transfer them to Repashy soon anyway.

like I've said I have seen them eat (seen them eat a little from day one) and their all pretty lively. just wondering if their getting enough food. there are 3 of them all about 8cm including tail

(also, previous antisocial behaviour amongst them at the begining has completely dissipated, and all 3 are sharing a small bit of branch as I type this)

60 miles south of Chicago
oooh, 8 cm is pretty small.
You'll be lucky to even see a dent in the food.

I'm glad that you're going to be putting them on Repashy.
Fruits make an ok snack once in a while, but they do not have the nutrients cresteds need like Repashy does.:D

As long as they are lively, pooping (poop is important because if they're pooping, they're eating), and look good, they're eating.:D



I guessed they were 8cm.

having got the biggest out and put it up to a ruler. it measured 9cm from snout to tip of the tail.

they have been pooping, and they do eat from my fingers occasionally, currently mixing the sandfire day gecko diet into the mashed fruit,

as for lively, thats certainly describes them, all 3 are very tame, and seem to enjoy being handled they walk onto me anyway)

seem to really enjoy being misted, and am wondering if I should do it more often than just in the evening.


have you seen the pics I've got of them.

the breeder I got them from guesses (from their breeding groups) that I should end up with
pale yellow, usually with some good Dalmatian spots
orange tiger
deep red (terracotta colour) probably also with Dalmatian spots

tonight I found the orange and red ones lying next to each other, and when I opened the box they sort of had to untangle. so all the agro I had when putting them together has gone.

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