How often do adult female Leos eat?


New Member
Hey everyone,

One of my leos has been worrying me a bit. I have had her for almost a year and she is maybe 15 months old. For the last month or so I have noticed she is eating less and less. She is now down to about 1-2 superworms a week. Is that ok?

Weight wise she appears to be ok. Although I wish she was a little bit fatter like my other leo she is definitly not boney and does not have pencil tail. I check on her and she seems alright. Nice clear and responsive eyes, underbelly looks good, when she walks she appears normal. She just doesn't eat that much. Any ideas folks or is 1-2 supers a week normal for an adult leo?



Gecko Elements
Hingham MA
Iv had geckos stop eating for weeks. Iv had geckos drop 15 grams and then put it back on. As long as you haven't changed anything drastic, cage temps, location, new geckos in cage. I wouldn't worry, you stressing and trying to figure things out may start to stress her. What I mean by that is if you keep on putting food in her face to eat more ... My albino girl just started slowing down on eating but not worried at all. As long as she is still eating your in good shape! Even if she does stop for a few days don't stress. Iv noticed when I have had a sick gecko, besides not eating. The eyes seem to be a great tell sign. They like to keep them closed sometimes even while walking around. Had 2 sick geckos a year ago and that was a huge tip off for me to bring them to the vet (eyes closed).


New Member
Thanks Neill! I wasn't stressing too much about it but it was something that concerned me. It's ineresting how different she is in terms of eating habits compard to my other leo. My other leo will eat just about anything and can never get enough. While this leo has always been a lot fusier. She won't chase crickets and a little while ago seemed to lose an interest in mealies and thats why I switched to superworms.


Gecko Elements
Hingham MA
Yeah its kinda like getting a nice prime rib, but then getting it EVERY NIGHT. Then one day you get duck, then next day its back to prime rib... I WANT MORE DUCK!!!!!! I had a male gecko ONLY eating male cockroaches then FINALLY one day he ate a cricket. I went back to cockroaches but he just wanted crickets! So just like people a little variety goes a long way.

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