how to become friends with my gecko


New Member
sorry for the wall of text :wall: I know it takes a while after you get your gecko to be on good terms with them but I'm still a bit worried. I got my first gecko a few days ago and she still hasn't eaten yet, doesn't seem COMPLETELY terrified of me but when she first sees me after she wakes up she breaths a little quickly but eventually either just stares at me or loses interest. When I put my hand in the cage to change her water or put some meal worms in to see if she wants to eat she walks up to my hand licks me then very slowly walks away(backwards while keeping eye contact lol) im just wondering if this is normal? or if I should be concerned? im trying to not bug her too much but when would it be safe to start trying to befriend her and how would I go about doing that:main_huh: Also I am worried because she is sleeping alot even during night time a this a sign of something terrible or is she just exausted from the terror of being shipped here

this is a picture of my gecko


New Member
Sandhurst, Berkshire
Is it just me or is that Leo really fat? haha.


I'm not the most knowledgable as i am pretty new to keeping Leos aswell (only about 3-4 weeks) but i had this problem with my 2 Leos also.

You just have to persevere. My boys eat Mealworms and i was told crickets (i bought them from a private seller) but they just will not eat them so i tried locusts and they go nuts for them.

Mine didn't eat properly for 2 weeks when i got them but they are eating a good healthy amount now because i persevered and found something they want.

In regards to handling, i took the advice of many people aqnd just left my hand in front of them for a few minutes at a time and let them lick you etc. This way they get to know you and aren't afraid of your hand.

One thing that i find works is making the same noise when you go to stroke them. I make a sort of soft clicking noise before i touch them and they don't seem to jump as much as when i don't. It sounds like im trying to train a dog but i was worried about them not eating so i tried to get them settled by any means.

Also, my 2 have a favourite hide which was on the cooler side of the viv. As soon as i swapped the hides over, they started getting more energy and eating more so maybe its temperature?

Hope it helps!


Gecko Newbie
Is it just me or is that Leo really fat? haha.


I'm not the most knowledgable as i am pretty new to keeping Leos aswell (only about 3-4 weeks) but i had this problem with my 2 Leos also.

You just have to persevere. My boys eat Mealworms and i was told crickets (i bought them from a private seller) but they just will not eat them so i tried locusts and they go nuts for them.

Mine didn't eat properly for 2 weeks when i got them but they are eating a good healthy amount now because i persevered and found something they want.

In regards to handling, i took the advice of many people aqnd just left my hand in front of them for a few minutes at a time and let them lick you etc. This way they get to know you and aren't afraid of your hand.

One thing that i find works is making the same noise when you go to stroke them. I make a sort of soft clicking noise before i touch them and they don't seem to jump as much as when i don't. It sounds like im trying to train a dog but i was worried about them not eating so i tried to get them settled by any means.

Also, my 2 have a favourite hide which was on the cooler side of the viv. As soon as i swapped the hides over, they started getting more energy and eating more so maybe its temperature?

Hope it helps!

That leo is not fat she is healthy and happy.

I wouldn't worry really because she is probably still stressed out,so she might not eat for awhile and I wouldn't worry because she has a thick tail.Also because she may not be used to the new cage style.


New Member
ok ty for the encouragement and such xD I think I might try the making a noise when I go to pet her thing


i have 6 geckos and i got 3 in the beginng of december and only one jest started eating rite and the other 2 are still geting used to there cage so you are good remember that these geckos live in the desart so they can go 1-2 months before you should worry i would worry around 3 week when they wont eat noting at all


New Member
I don't really buy into the noise thing, but if it works who am I to judge right? Also, I wouldn't even try to pick her up and take her out (except maybe to clean her cage) until she starts hunting. Maybe the feeders aren't moving enough for her though? As long as your temps are in the 95 range on the warm side and maybe 80-85 (I can't remember if that's right) on the cool side and there are several hides on each, she'll start soon.
One thing that could be going on is that she was sent at too low a temp. and maybe started to brumate? I don't really know, but I do know that most brumations are occurring now, even in warm places like Arizona. The U.S. is pretty cold all around this time of year, so I wouldn't throw that theory out just yet.

One thing to look for is if she's going into shed too, though it doesn't look like it. Another thought that occurred is that perhaps she was kept with a male previously? She is an awfully big and healthy girl, especially around the back of her belly. Sometimes breeders report sluggish behavior a while before a clutch is laid, and sometimes a pre-lay shed. In both cases they may stop eating for a while. This is not to worry though, she looks healthy enough to pop out two eggs, shed, and not eat for a few weeks. lol
Either way she'll adjust, though you may want to look at her belly and see if she's got some eggs in there? If you need to see what eggs look like in her belly there's several recent posts of gravid girl geckos.

Keep us posted.

PS. She's gorgeous


Hand Training

sorry for the wall of text :wall: I know it takes a while after you get your gecko to be on good terms with them but I'm still a bit worried. I got my first gecko a few days ago and she still hasn't eaten yet, doesn't seem COMPLETELY terrified of me but when she first sees me after she wakes up she breaths a little quickly but eventually either just stares at me or loses interest. When I put my hand in the cage to change her water or put some meal worms in to see if she wants to eat she walks up to my hand licks me then very slowly walks away(backwards while keeping eye contact lol) im just wondering if this is normal? or if I should be concerned? im trying to not bug her too much but when would it be safe to start trying to befriend her and how would I go about doing that:main_huh: Also I am worried because she is sleeping alot even during night time a this a sign of something terrible or is she just exausted from the terror of being shipped here.
She/He looks good.
Try This.
Take care. HJ


New Member
One thing to look for is if she's going into shed too, though it doesn't look like it. Another thought that occurred is that perhaps she was kept with a male previously? She is an awfully big and healthy girl, especially around the back of her belly. Sometimes breeders report sluggish behavior a while before a clutch is laid, and sometimes a pre-lay shed. In both cases they may stop eating for a while. This is not to worry though, she looks healthy enough to pop out two eggs, shed, and not eat for a few weeks. lol
actually her being gravid is a big possibility since she is a bit roundish i'll admit xD and the people who sold me her mentioned she had been kept with a male for a getting less concerned about her behavior though even if shes still sleeping alot shes perking up. Still hasnt eaten yet but as mentioned she has a nice healthy large tail so I think she should be ok for a while, also ty GeckoGathering actually I found that post a bit after I posted this ^.^ and have been trying that out


New Member
You asked when you can start to befriend ur gecko....u already are :)

If theres anything ive learned in the year ive owned a leo its that they lick everything. New hide, lick it, new person, lick them, new plant, lick her licking u is a good sign :) Shes trying to get to know u :)

I know its horrible when u just want them to love you but patience is the only way to go about it without them being scared of you cos u rushed things.

Just go about ur routine, offering food, cleaning up poops, changing water and she will learn that ur the nice "thing" that brings tasty treats and that maybe ur not such a bad thing to be around ;)

The sleeping as far as i can tell is normal, especially this time of year. They are awesome little pets that just seem happy to chill and do their own thing :)


New Member
North Haven, CT
I've had my gecko for just over a month and she's just starting to warm up to me. I only take her out once a week to weigh her.

She used to run everytime I came in the room and wanted nothing to do with me. Now I think she equates me with tasty bugs so she's intrigued when I come in. I also discovered a very easy to pick her up.

I place my right hand flat in front of her. I then use my left hand to gently touch her back leg. That makes her walk onto my hand and then I grip her very slightly and I can take her out of her cage with no stress or fanfare...try it!

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