How to connect mutiple heating devices to the same thermostat?


New Member
I have TGH heating tape, and a vivarium electronics thermostat. Can I just use a connecter that allows for multiple outlets and plug that into the thermostat, then plug all the heat tape strands into the connector? (You guys know what I'm talking about right?)


New Member
If you are talking about a rack system...

I think the power consumption of each shelf of heattape is very low...and the total of about 6 shelves is still pretty low?? So I don't think a typical rack system will overload a cheap powerstrip (that is plugged into a thermostat).

However, you have to remember...the thermostat only has 1 probe, so it is going to distribute power based on the temperature in only 1 location.


1) If you put your sensor on a top shelf, the warmer temps at taller heights in a room will cause the thermostat to cut power while the lower shelves are still at colder temps.

2) If you put your senso on a low shelf, the cooler temps at lower heights in a room will cause the thermostat to remain powered on while the higher shelves are above the desired temp.

3) If you put your sensor on a middle shelf height, you will have lower shelves at lower temps and higher shelves at higher temps....all due to the fact that heat rises, and ambient air temp will affect the overall temps of your hotspots.

Also, theoretically: longer power cording running to each shelf of heat tape will likely reduce the amount of current reaching that strip because of the slightly increased resistance-to-current.


I am using a cheap on/off thermostat on the rack I am setting up (for my first year breeding). I plan to put a digital thermometer inside a tub on atleast "every other shelf" with the thermostat probe on the middle shelf. I will know in a couple of months if there is significant difference in hotspot-temp based on shelf height....or if any other issue arises that should be known to the public. :)


Ridgewood, NJ
I've been told that as long as the racks use the same type of heat tape you can put them on the same thermostat. I would, of course, test it out with multiple temperature readings over several days to make sure the different racks you have on the same thermostat are not too hot or too cold for your leos. Also make sure the wattage of the tape doesn't exceed the maximum your thermostat can handle or you'll blow the fuse.

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