How to fully tame my gecko...


New Member
British Columbia, Canada
So my gecko is quite tame. She will climb on my hand on her own, but won't let me pick her up calmly! I just tried and got just about nowhere. First I let her on my hand, then picked her up. She ran away. Okay, lets try again! I got her to voluntarily climb on, and brought my other hand towards her, then started to rise up. Oh it didn't go well. She squired and jumped and almost got out of my hand. (Well maybe not jump, but she should go in a race with Usain Bolt!) I got her front claws on the top half my hand then the back on the bottom. When i got her in the bowl for weighing I couldn't see the needle going anywhere because she tried to run onto a nearby ledge. Sigh. Please help? Is it normal for a gecko to run that much? I've had her out of her in closer twice, no closer than one week together.
She came from a store, but that was months ago, she certainly isn't scared if I'm outside the glass
That's all, I'm sorry it was so long, but I tried to get all the points together


New Member
Springfield Missouri
Just keep doing what your doing. Try to handle her a few times a week. Is it young? As you keep assuring it you won't hurt it it will allow you to handle it more. Geckos can be very curious. Once they don't see you as a threat they seem to be OK with coming out as you pick up your hand.
I have a male that used to scream at my hand when I'd be in his tank when he was a baby. As we worked together and I just kept putting my hand in after feedings. He seemed to be more apt to walk on my hand and start climbing up my arm. A few times of this and he know let's me reach in and place my hand by him. I can the reach closer slowly and work my hand under his chin. Slowly working my hand under him. Sometimes he still walks away so I leave him be. Most times now. He climbs on as I try, then I slowly lift my hand.
I can now handle him freely. Even to to point of holding him to take pictures to determine sex.
Its all about patience and trust.


New Member
Rhode Island
Just keep working with her, one of my females absolutely hated being handled. She acted like someone wanted to kill her. She didn’t start to calm down until about 9 months old. Each gecko responds to handling differently.

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