How to get leos to poop in a single location?


New Member
I was excited to hear that leos poop in a single place. I got 3 female leos a couple of weeks ago. They're about 2 1/2 years old, in a 50 gallon tank, and have live together their entire lives. Once I figured out where they want to poop, I had planned to put down a slate where they poop and just take it out every few days to clean.
Only problem is they don't poop in the same place or even close to it. Its kind of all over. Is this because they're in a new home? Is there anything I can to do encourage them to poop in one place? Right now, they seem like they like to get up on top of things, like their hides and poop behind them, which is usually where the hide meets the glass...not pretty.


I have all mine housed singley, so I don't know about groups, but Id assume they'll agree on a community toilet area once they are settled. Since mine are all single, most do go in one empty corner, out of 11 leos, I have 2 that want to go at the base of their warm hides (behind it), and 1 that will climb all the way up her background and poop on the top of the background b/c she doesn't want to be anywhere near it, lol.


New Member
So do they tend to want to use corners? Would it help if I clear out a couple of corners? I've got hides in every corner.


It would probably help to keep 1 corner clear of any decor, that might que them to use that spot.


New Member
i have a pair of females in a 40G and they both go in one of those green suction cup reptile hammocks. which makes life easy for me.
I had a blind female for a while that would only go in one of the hides.
Good luck.


New Member
South Florida
What i do with my 40 gallon breeder tank is leave about 1/4 of the tank empty and the hides on the side and that's enough space for 3 geckos.


New Member
I thought I had this figured out, but turns out I was wrong. There was one hide in a corner on the warm side that they seemed to be consistently pooping on, I figured this is where they want their poop corner to be. Also one leo likes to use this hide, but sometimes will also crawl into one of the bigger hides with another leo.

So I decided to remove this hide and put down a slate tile and put all the poop on this tile. They have a couple of hides that they don't use, so I figured they'd figure things out. About the pooping I was right, there is more poop on the tile now then when I put it in. But the one thing I wasn't expecting is that the one leo that used to use the hide in that corner has decided that she wants to use that corner whether or not there is a hide there. So now she is in that corner laying down, curled up sleeping.......with all the poop.

So now what do I do? Just let it be and eventually she'll figure out that sleeping with the poop isn't very pleasant? Or remove the slate, put the hide back in the corner, let her have 'her' corner and make the poop corner somewhere else? They started to consistently poop on top of that one hide, so I figured thats where want to go. If I put this hide back I have a feeling they'll just continue to poop on top of it.....

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