How to get stuck shed off toe of hatchling?


New Member
NE Ohio
I have a very young hatchling (maybe 8 grams now) who after his shed a week ago has stuck shed on his toe. With my old eyes that need reading glasses, I did not see the skin still on one toe and now it is turning dark red color. I soaked him in warm water but blunt tweezers and q tips don't work as well on hatchlings this small as adults. Any tips? Please?


New Member
NE Ohio
ok, update. After the little guy finally calmed down a bit and let me hold him without squirming so much I think I was able to get the soaked skin off with a qtip. I saw the tiniest piece of skin on my hand and couldn't see any on his toe so I'm hoping I got it. I asked my 19 year old daughter, who has young eyes, to look and she doesn't think she sees any either. So let's hope I got it in time to save the toe.


New Member
Southern California
The redness was probably inflammation or the blood starting to be constricted hopefully it will be fine. When I see stubborn shed that does not come off with a warm water soaking and a folded paper towel soaked in water rub I use a q-tip with a dab of baby oil..(for toes and tails only) then I rinses with luke warm water

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