How to Heat a Rack by other ways....


Mack Leo Boy

Is there another way to heat a rack because when I build one I can't afford a good thrmostat like a helix porporsitional one. Is there another way to heat one like putting a big under tank heater under the wood of the rack? Or is there a different kind of thermostat that I can afford. Thanks.


New Member
You can buy an on/off thermostat for around 30 bucks. not as good as a helix but I use them on my racks and have not had any problems. I would not use them on incubators though.


New Member
McDonough, Ga
There is a thermostat that is around $30 that I know alot of people use put out by ExoTerra (I think). I know Kelli uses or has used them on here racks for sometime and I have one as well and it holds temps really well. I also think that heat rope or cable might be cheaper than heat tape, but I am not sure, so look into that as well.


Someone please correct me if I'm wrong but I have read that the "heat rope /cable" does not last very long
It gets very brittle quickly and breaks



New Member
McDonough, Ga
LadyGecko said:
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong but I have read that the "heat rope /cable" does not last very long
It gets very brittle quickly and breaks


I personally haven't used it, but know people who have, and they haven't had the problem that I know of, but it could be possible I would imagine, I would like to know that myself, as I hear it works pretty well and is cheaper.

Brian O

I use heat rope for all of my racks. I have some racks that have been running for 6 years non stop. I have heard to many horror stories on heat tape overheating and hot spots. All my racks are hooked up to dimmer switches that the rope plugs straight into. The switches cost about $10 each at menards.
You may not be able to cut the length but they have different sizes. So I just pick the size I need and loop it back and forth a couple times. This also spreads the heat to a larger surface area so you can keep the temp of the rope down.
There are two ways to put it in that I use. The first method I use in my display cages. You can route a path to sink it flush. I then put a piece of glass over the top of it to hold it in place. Then I seal the corners with caulk. The second method I staple it to the wood and build up before and after it. So that the tubs slide over it.


New Member
Seminole, Fl
What wattage do you use?
I've seen them recently and thought they were a new thing and didn't know anyone who had tried them out.
From what I've read, since they are flexable, you could use one rope on various selves of a rack by just looping up to the next shelf? I've seen them in 15ft and 20ft.
I'm still using heat mats, but with the increase in amount of bins, I've been thinking of the flexwatt, but I'm not 100% on them.

Mack Leo Boy

Thanks for the info! If I need to build a rack I think i'll buy some heatrope and add swithes like you said, Brian.

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