How to ID a Super Nova


Carpe Diem
Dallas, TX
So super novas are morphs that contain the enigma, super snow, and RAPTOR traits. my question is how can you tell specifically with the eyes. i would think that with the super snow trait having solid black eyes, where does the red come in for the raptor traits? i would assume of course that they would have the white lips indicating the eclipse gene, but is that the only identifier? or do i have it backwards. do they have solid red eyes, ss markings, and solid white tails? is anyone producing super novas at this time? this one has me perplexed, lol


New Member
well i know that a super raptor is solid white with red eyes. so the only difference between the 2 is the enigma trait. so i guess the best way to ID would be to look for the enigma traits, i.e. the spins or weird head movements. other than that i dont think there would be any visual difference. someone please correct me if i'm wrong

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