How to safely use a heat pad


New Member
I just got a heat pad from my cosin which was never used. so All I have is the pad, with a chord attached to it. I checked online it is a Zoo med heatpad 8 watts so that it is good with a 10 gallon which I have. How do i Safely put it on the tank without damaging the tank or the wooden bookshelf supporting it or cause a fire? Do I put it width or length wise? Thankyou.


New Member
Miami, FL
I'm assuming it's about 5"x6" or something like that? There is a really tiny one that is about 3x4" which is too small for a 10 gallon, but you probably have the larger one. Length or with wise doesnt matter, just as long as it's on one side of the enclosure. Theyre really easy to use, just stick it to the bottom, outside, of the tank. Measure the temps on the inside of the enclosure, above the substrate, to make sure they arent too high. If they are too high, you just have to hook the heat pad up to rheostat or light dimmer. You can get these cheap at any home supply store.


New Member
I personally have all 3 of my uth's hooked up to dimmer switches... Its cheap to do and easy to regulate the temps. I have found in the past that if you just plug in the heating pads some will get to 130 degree.... which is way to hot! Hope this helps.


New Member
Yes I was getting a thermostat to use with it, but I've heard You need to have the tank raised with spacers or something so the heatpad wont burn the surface the tank it's on, for me a wooden bookshelf, or the glass of the tank, Any small percautions I need to use with it?

Alex G

New Member
Phoenix, AZ
Yeah, anything to allow some airflow in. The UTH should have come with little feet but if you got it secondhand I think someone on here said they just use dominos.

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