How to toss aside the Human emotions and let go?


New Member
I wanna give up some geckos but the nagging idea of the new owner not caring for them right or neglecting them is constant. I've never sold any animal(not dog, not cat, not a gecko) so I'm not sure how everyone gets that idea out of there head. My mother when we had a mistake litter of pups gave them away(i was younger) and said it was the worst feeling(specailly since we later found out the female was sold for "not being a good color for breeding" and one of the males had his head bashed in with a rock by a mental person) and I really dont wanna think any of the geckos I sell end up in such a way. I have 2 rescues and seen how badly they've been treated(One's tail got ripped off "just to see what would happen" and had a massive eye infection; the other was dropped, broke bother her front legs and jaw and has MBD)and I just cant detach myself from this group as I'm fearing the worst....I'm wondering how everyone goes about pushing there human emotions aside and selling the babies they brought up with that feeling that something could go bad? I just want them to go where they'll be cared.


Psychotic Gecko's
Dayton, Ohio
It can always be hard to find new homes just because of that fear of anything bad happening to them. Ive hatched and raised 8 baby leopard geckos and it was hard giving them to new homes. But all I can really say is ask lots and lots of questions and make them show proof of there proper setup for them. and if they make up any excuses to not show you then refuse them.

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
It's not an easy feat by any stretch of the imagination to detach those feelings. I breed show rabbits and I KNOW that some other breeder that buys them could very easily sell them to a cull buyer that collects for the dog food people if the rabbit doesn't perform as expected so that is a sad fact of being into rabbits. I have also done rescue rehab and rehome of dogs from some of the worst shelters out there... this is where it all comes to good management and a COMPLETE screening program with the option of the animal being able to come back here at ANY TIME during it's life if there is ever a problem. You'll know the right people, you'll feel it in your guy. DO a few weeks follow up. I call my adopters every week for the first month to see how it's going and walk them thru any issues they may be having. Setting up a support system where they can contact you if theres a need is your best opportunity to make sure everyone gets thru the critical change over stage,. After the first month I go to bi-weekly phone calls, then the third month I call once, then they're kind of on their own unless they contact me with a problem. Just make yourself available for the new owners, let them know they're not left hanging in the wind and that you're there for them. Almost guarantees a perfect situation.


New Member
It's not an easy feat by any stretch of the imagination to detach those feelings. I breed show rabbits and I KNOW that some other breeder that buys them could very easily sell them to a cull buyer that collects for the dog food people if the rabbit doesn't perform as expected so that is a sad fact of being into rabbits. I have also done rescue rehab and rehome of dogs from some of the worst shelters out there... this is where it all comes to good management and a COMPLETE screening program with the option of the animal being able to come back here at ANY TIME during it's life if there is ever a problem. You'll know the right people, you'll feel it in your guy. DO a few weeks follow up. I call my adopters every week for the first month to see how it's going and walk them thru any issues they may be having. Setting up a support system where they can contact you if theres a need is your best opportunity to make sure everyone gets thru the critical change over stage,. After the first month I go to bi-weekly phone calls, then the third month I call once, then they're kind of on their own unless they contact me with a problem. Just make yourself available for the new owners, let them know they're not left hanging in the wind and that you're there for them. Almost guarantees a perfect situation.

0.0 rabbits for dog food? I've never heard that one...but then i never looked into it. When i was younger i used to breed our pet rabbits i never thought of them being dog food@.@ I know snake food but dogs? What humans can do is it is desterbing!D: I cant garantee I'll be available since i cant predict the future but I see your points. I'll ask to see the set ups and such;D thanks...tho its still gonna be painfully hardD: to watch them grow for tiny babies to 70+ gram adults...</3

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
Yep rabbits do go to dog food processors. At just about any rabbit show you go to there are always cull buyers there. Some buy for the pet shop market, some buy for the pet food market. The ones that don't make the grade, they have to go somewhere. I don't like to think of they going to the pet food industry either which is why I have a really nice little mom and pop pet shop that buys my non-show quality babies.

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