How to treat a snake bite tips..

got spots?

leo lover
foglesville PA
Sorry if this is not posted in the right area.
Okay in school we need to give a demo, I need some tips on how to treat snakebite besides dial 911 :p
I am also requesting pictures if you have been tagged or own rights to. Of course I will credit them if you give me your name ect.
also any things NOT to do will be appreciated


Pet Human
Indianapolis, IN
What kind of snake bite? I assume you're referring to a venomous snake tag?

I just laugh when one of my sand boas bite me. :p She's 30 grams of pure hate. (and still very young.)

For non-venomous bites just disinfect if it breaks the skin and wash with hot water and soap. (Though depending on the size of the snake it could require much more than that...IE, a bite from a large snake can be pretty nasty)

For venomous bites I would always go to the hospital, most snake venom is not something to shake a stick at. I'm not sure how you would prep a bite while on the way to the hospital, though, so maybe a hot keeper will chime in.

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