How to use White and Yellow?


New Member
United States
Hello I've been keeping pet leopard geckos for about 19 years and finally decided to jump into a little breeding. I got a really nice white and yellow emerine boy from Mr. Tremper and was wondering if anyone had any advice for what sort of girls to put him with. I would like my babies to have some pattern and I know white and yellow really washes out their spots would I have better odds with keeping some of the spots from really bold animals or very heavily patterned girls? Does eclipse wash things out even more or does it not really make a difference if they have that as well? I also really like the pied look you can get on the bands with white and yellow. Does the white fall where you would get lavender on an animal without the trait or is it more random than that? It looks like that is the case with this emerine and I have never seen a picture of a white and yellow with lavender. Will I want to make sure to try to pair him to animals with a lot of lavender? Thank you in advance for any help.


Ghoulish Geckos
Eclipse will probably wash the animals out. You won't get much bold from them. Good chance the animal is het tremper. You could breed him to a nice emerine female (het tremper or visual tremper). Maybe another to a jungle or bold animal with some color. Lavender can vary, but since I don't work with it, I can't help you much on that one. You can really play around with picking a few females for him and see what happens. Just stick with the same albino line and you're good. You could even add snow in and see what happens. I honestly have no idea what that does with emerine, but probably something similar to super hypos (like creamsicles).


New Member
United States
Thank you. Good to know that eclipse will do that. I'm not doing anything with Bell or Rainwater so a tremper het would be fine. It sounds like bold is the way to go if I'm looking for pattern if it thins the spots out. Now that he has shipped in I see that he actually has some lavender so my lavender theory is right out.

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