How's the Cage Set- Up?


New Member
So after a trip to the vet and some advice from fellow forum members, i redesigned my leo's cage!!!! It looks so much better and I can already tell that her new hide helps her shed!!!! So i got rid of the bark substrate, got a new water dish and put a calcium and food dish in, got a new hide, a basking rock, and some moss!!!!!!!!!!!!




I think I might get ride of the log hide on the right because of how large it is, But it helps her reach her heater so I'm not sure what to do. The Water bowl on the right is a basking rock and hide in one. I wash it daily and inside is a large flat stone and in the far corner inside the hide is some warm, damp moss that I spray every other day. She seems to prefer that one, maybe because of the humidity? The paper towel substrate makes her a lot happier and shes by a window so I don't have a heating lamp. That's partially because she's getting surgery and I'm waiting to see if she pulls through before I get one.

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