Humidity and a humidifier


New Member
Phoenix, Az.
Hi All,

So I have one leopard out of five that seems to always have an issue with her shed sticking to the toes of one foot. I've been doing the soak, repti-shed spray, q-tips, telekinesis, and some assorted witch doctor rituals. All of which quasi work, and really stress her out.

Her setup is the same as all the other leopards I have, UTH, moist hide 1/3 over UTH. Etc. etc. etc.

I also live in Arizona, where the climate is dry to begin with, and winter makes it even drier.

Based on all this, could I run a humidifier in the room where the leopards are at to help with this issue, or is that a poor idea? I know too much humidity isn't good for leopards, leading to respiratory issues, but at the same time, losing a foot/tail also would suck.

Has anyone tried this approach? Any insight would be appreciated.


Active Member
Marietta, Ga
If 4 of your leo's are perfectly healthy then I wouldnt make them suffer the higher humidities. I just don't think that is the way to go. You might just have to do the q-tip thing for the remainder of her life. Some animals are just not able to do certain tasks on their own, including humans


Hampton, GA
I agree with Russell. I have one juvenile that just can never seem to get the shed off her nose. I just grab a q tip and warm water and have to peel it off for her every time lol.


New Member
Phoenix, Az.
Thank you both. Great replies. I was so focused on the tree I forgot the rest of the forest.

Now here is my next hard question. How is the best way to do this. She has gotten to the point where she freaks out when I take her out of the cage. The soak is a battle. The spray and q-tip is ok for 15 minutes and then she is running away. Sometimes I get progress, other times I shake my head and place her back into her home, without much coming off. I'm just afraid she'll get to the point where I can't help her. Or am I not being forceful enough?

Do they make leopard tranquilizers? JK.

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