Humidity question


New Member
Ottawa Canada
Hello all! I have a question/concern regarding the humidity for cresties. I know it's supposed to be kept between 60% and 80%. I easily get it to 70% which I believe is a pretty good level to keep it at.

My concern/question is when I do the misting ( I do not have a crestie just yet, just doing some testing to make it perfect) in the morning and at night the humidity stays at 70% for approximitely 2 hours then it drops and after about 4 maybe 5 hours it's dropped to almost 50%.

I'm currently using the exo-terra glass terrarium, 12"x12"x18" and live plants and substrate.

I've tried putting something over top of the screen top to limit the air flow a little bit, it seems to slow it down but still it drops rather quickly. Any ideas as to what I could do/am doing wrong?


New Member
Ottawa Canada
Sounds good.

Also overnight is where it was the worst. When I came downstairs this morning it had dropped to 48% which was weird, mostly because when I first got it and had nothing in or on top, it stayed at about 55% humidity lol.

I think I'm just more worried about the overnight drop.


New Member
San Antonio
I mist more heavily at night when they are active, and do a lighter misting in the morning when they are sleeping. You can also try covering the screen like you did, but use a damp towel to cover it. When I need higher humidity I spray down a kitchen towel and cover about 3/4 of the screen top. Hope that helps.



First, I'd try to create some kind of gradient in the cage the way snake people do with temperature. If you had a bigger cage, you could get a bigger gradient, but even with what you have, you can probably get some gradient. With a gradient, you gecko can move around the cage to find a humidity that is right for his needs at the time.

Secondly, I wouldn't worry too much about getting perfectly between 60 and 80 percent. My gage has often been around 48% most of the time. I'll mist in the evening and get the reading higher for a few hours, but the humidity at the probe generally shows 48%.

I made a little dish setup to increase humidity, and the setup seems to be helping a bit. I blog about the setup here:

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